Frequently Asked Questions
If I cannot reach this practice directly by phone, is it safe to leave a voice mail message?
Yes. The voicemail is confidential and is not accessible to anyone else. Due to the nature of our physical makeup we encourage YOU too , leave a detailed voice mail message or send a SMS/Text message to 980-329-3490
This is generally the easiest way to make an inquiry or request an appointment. If you prefer, you can also leave a message electronically using the website on the "contact us" form.
Please be patient and your call will be returned within 8-24hrs.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Cash, checks, HSA cards, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted.
Do this practice accept Insurance?
But only for treatment services.
Oasis Clinical Care Management & Consultation PLLC is an in-network provider with most Insurance plans. However, we encourage you to inquire about your Mental Health benefits. You may have to meet a calendar year
deductible before any benefits are paid.
If specialized services are being sought and your insurance company does not have an in-network provider with the necessary training and experience, a single case agreement can sometimes be arranged with insurance companies so that benefits are paid at the in-network level. In such cases, your out-of-pocket expenses would usually be less.
Can I use my insurance to pay for evaluation services?
Generally, No
Oasis Clinical Care Management & Consultation PLLC is able to bill insurance companies for the initial diagnostic interview session conducted with a new client. However, since insurance plans often provide limited or no coverage for forensic or other time-consuming evaluations, it is his policy to require direct payment from the client (or other responsible parties) when such services are rendered. You will be given a detailed receipt that you may then submit to your insurance company should you wish to do so.
Do you perform child custody and other civil court evaluations?
However, referrals to other professionals who do offer such services can be provided if needed.
Price List:
Intake (New Patients)- $225.00
Sex Offender Evaluation: $850 and up
Clinical Consultation- $125 per. hr
Individual Therapy ( EMDR)- $165.59
Group Therapy- $65 per. hr
Couples Therapy- $225 ( 75min session)
Digital Marketing- $125 per. hr
Online Digital Forms- $125
Individual Clinical Supervision= $155.59